Now for the good news!!!
If you paid $100.00 for your Ad System™ anytime up till July 1st, 2007 then you will NOT have to cough up an additional $300.00 bucks, so right about now is a good time to pat yourself on the back for being a doer instead of a loser!!! Loser you say, yes, a $300.00 loss that is!!!
Question: Is FREE1UP.COM making one last ditch effort to generate funds before closing up?
Answer: Only the most stupidest, ignorant and outright devious people on the planet would say that, people who are absolutely, positively, jealous of our massive success, if you know anybody saying these things report them to us immediately and we will deal with them directly!!! Now that you have better believe!!!
Respectfully Yours.
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PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here

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