THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL MONEYMAKING PAGES ON THE 'NET! (That's why many marketers are making imitations.) Question: What is the Easiest Way for Most People to Make Money on the Internet? Answer: With Programs that Virtually Sell Themselves. (Typically, about 98% of people trying to make money online meet with little success. Find a program or system that makes it as easy as possible for the 98%... and you have a winner!)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Helping You Getting Started NOW!
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Important. I am here to help. If you have any problems or need assistance then please feel welcome to mail me at and I will get back to you.
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Respectfully Yours.
Grace Tran
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Build Your NetWork Incredibly

Understanding of Free1Up
Important. I am here to help. If you have any problems or need assistance then please feel welcome to mail me at and I will get back to you.
FREE1UP. How Does It Work?
I am sure you have many questions about the FREE1UP system and how it works.
I will try to explain the most obvious questions you might have as simply and clearly as I can, if there are still some things you don't understand then please feel free to contact me by filling out the form below, I will contact you as soon as you confirm that you want to hear from me.
Ok, here are some questions you might be asking.
How much does it cost to join FREE1UP?
FREE1UP is free to join
How much money can I make with FREE1UP?
FREE1UP has been designed by Richard Morris in such a way that the sky is pretty much the limit as far as earnings are concerned. YOU decide how much you want to earn and use your AD SYSTEM™ to help you reach your target.
I am new to internet marketing, will I be able to make money?
Absolutely! FREE1UP has been designed with people just like you in mind. The AD SYSTEM™ was not designed for people already making passive four and five figure weekly incomes. The AD SYSTEM™ has been designed so that anybody can easily earn a substantial income no matter who you are or what you do for a living.
How long will it take before I can earn any money?
It will take almost no time at all to start earning money, just use your AD SYSTEM™ to receive cash practically on demand.
Will I have to speak to anyone or try to sell people something?
You will never have to speak to anyone or chase after anyone. Everything is done by the AD SYSTEM™, there are live sales exectutives and a live web conference three times a week to answer your pre-enrolees' questions for you, so you never ever have to speak to anyone..
This all sounds too good to be true. Surely I must have to do something to earn all this cash?
Well yes of course you do. You will have to log into your back office and use your AD SYSTEM™ to send out your advertising.
So does that mean I have to write my own advertising material and load up my own autoresponder with follow up letters? I don't think I will be able to write well enough to do that.
Don't worry! The AD SYSTEM™ already contains pe-written ads, these ads are ranked to guarantee top performance. Your autoresponder is pre-loaded with the FOREVER FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM™ to do all of your follow ups for you.
Can I use the AD SYSTEM™ for my other programmes too or only for FREE1UP?
Yes, you can use the AD SYSTEM™ for any programme you wish to promote.
So exactly what is the AD SYSTEM™? The AD SYSTEM™ is a product exclusive to FREE1UP. It contains hundreds, soon to be thousands of ranked advertising sources. Once you have the AD SYSTEM™ you will always be able to find the very best advertising companies in real time.
Is it difficult to use the AD SYSTEM™?
Using the AD SYSTEM™ is as simple as making a phone call or sending an email to place your order.
How much is the AD SYSTEM™, are there monthly membership payments to make?
There is a one off payment of $400 to purchase the AD SYSTEM™, there are no monthly payments.
How does the pay plan work?
Every time one of your pre-enrolees orders an AD SYSTEM™ you will receive $200.
Your first pre-enrolee goes to your enroller as your training sale.
After your training sale every time one of your pre-enrolees orders an AD SYSTEM™ you receive $200.
Each of your pre-enrolees who orders an AD SYSTEM™ must give you a $200 training sale and each of those training sales must also give you a $200 training sale, right on through infinity.
How do I get my money?
Your money is paid direct to you from your pre-enrolees, usually by money order or cashier cheque in the post, however as long as you are both in agreement it can be paid by paypal.
What if someone tries to cheat and not pay me?
Due to the very strict professional monitoring at FREE1UP this is very unlikely, however in the event somene should try it their account would be immediately suspended.
What will happen in "Phase B" Worldwide pre-launch?
In "Phase B" Worldwide pre-launch you could receive an average of $500 times the number of pre-enrolees and one ups who ordered the AD SYSTEM™ in "Phase A" Worldwide pre-launch. This means if you have just 2000 sales, and this include all your training sales as well, you could receive a potential $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars).
To enrol now or to find out more please visit the FREE1UP website with this link.
Please tell me more about Free1up!
Respectfully Yours.
Grace Tran
Build Your NetWork Incredibly

Saturday, July 28, 2007
FREE1UP Compensation OVERVIEW!
Respectfully Yours.
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Build Your NetWork Incredibly
PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
With our industry leading customer support FREE1UP.COM is truly the leader in customer service, for more details visit our 24 HOUR LIVE Support Center NOW!!!
When entering the FREE1UP.COM LIVE Support Center, simply login using the following format: First Name Last Name (User ID) Country. Example: John Smith (jsmith) USA
Respectfully Yours.
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Build Your NetWork Incredibly
PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here

In the next couple of weeks we will be upgrading our back office software for the integration of the Ad System™ software!!! A tentative launch for the new back office software is the first or second week of July!!! We will continue to update you on our progress, thank you for your patience and understanding during this time!!! Your Friend and Founder, Richard Morris.
Respectfully Yours.
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Build Your NetWork Incredibly
PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here

Even more good news for YOU!!!
As nice as buckets of $50.00 payments are, FREE1UP.COM is all grownup now so you have better be ready for train loads of $200.00 payments!!! Can you handle that, FREE1UP.COM is the real deal, it's not for the faint of heart, so if you're not ready for massive cash, then get out now or get ran over by those who are ready for the mother load of all mother loads!!! You read that correctly, we said MOTHER LOAD!!!
Imagine, this July if you're only receiving just one payment per day that's $1,400.00 extra dollars per week for you on top of what you're already receiving!!! So you have better be dialed in, locked on and ready to fire because this is a one way ticket to top of the planet and once you're at the top it's a long ways down, so you have better be ready to hold on tight!!!
Respectfully Yours.
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Build Your NetWork Incredibly
PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here